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Short courses and Workshops

Short Courses


The short coures will take place on Friday, 5 April 2019.

Date: 5 April 2019
Time: 14:00-17:30

Short courses

SC01 Multibeam Antennas and Beamforming Networks Giovanni Toso Piero Angeletti
SC02 THz Technology and Instrumentation cancelled
SC03 Wearable Small Antennas for Wireless Communication Systems Albert Sabban
SC04 Microwave Imaging for Medical Diagnostic Applications: an Introduction from Theory to Practical Aspects Lorenzo Crocco Panagiotis Kosmas
SC05 User Antennas for Internet Everywhere via Satellites Gerard Caille Nelson Fonseca
SC06 Wireless Communications with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: from Wi-Fi and LTE to 5G Evgenii Vinogradov Sofie Pollin
SC07 Electromagnetic Machine Learning: Theory, Methods, and Applications Said Mikki Abdelelah M. Alzahed
SC08 Channel Measurements and Channel Modelling in Vehicular Scenarios Juan Moreno García-Loygorri Cesar Briso Rodríguez
SC09 A New Look at the Problem of Antenna Design on Complex Platforms by using Characteristic Modes, Eigenmodes and Characteristic Basis Functions Raj Mittra
SC10 Antenna Boosters: Antenna Design for Mobile/IoT Devices Jaume Anguera Aurora Andújar
SC11 Antennas for Automotive Applications Montaha Bouezzeddine

The workshops will take place according to the schedule listed below.

Scientific Workshops



No.Title / Date / TimeOrganiser

Towards Virtual-Drive Testing: Test and Measurement for Automotive Applications

Date: 5 April 2019
Time: 8:40 – 12:30
Room: A1 – Gdynia

Thomas Dallmann, Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques FHR

Matthias Hein, Ilmenau University of Technology


Stand on the Antennas and Propagation Standards

Date: 4 April 2019
Time: 10:50 – 12:30
Room: A1 – Gdynia

Vikass Monebhurrun,SUPELEC

Industrial Workshops

No.Title / Date / TimeOrganiser

Progresses and Challenges in Test and Measurement for mmWave Transmission Systems

Date: 2 April 2019
Time: 10:50 – 12:30
Room: A1 – Gdynia

Xiang Xu , German Research Center of Huawei Technologies

Efficient Simulation of High-Speed Wireless Communication and Sensing, incl. 5G, in Large and Complicated Scenarios

Date: 2 April 2019
Time: 15:00 – 16:20
Room: Zakopane

Dr. Martin Vogel, Altair


Analysis of phased array antenna for 5G

Date: 3 April 2019
Time: 15:00 – 16:20
Room: Zakopane

David Prestaux, ANSYS Lead application Engineer


The Call for Short Courses has been archived. It is available here.

The Call for Workshops has been archived. It is available here.

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EuCAP 2019 Opening Hours

Conference Sessions
Mon: 9:00-18:30
Tue-Thu: 8:40-18:30
Fri: 8:40-12:30

Mon: 9:00-18:30
Tue-Wed: 8:40-18:30
Thu: 8:40-16:50

Conference Registration Desk
Sun: 16:00-20:00
Mon-Thu: 8:00-18:30
Fri: 8:00-12:30

See Programme


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